




アマトラ - Amatora

<クゥオシリーズ(QUO Series)>

QUO hair bath  400ml   375AED



天然成分「フルボ酸」と「ヘマチン」を配合したエイジングケア・シャンプー。 高い泡立ちが地肌の乾燥をケアしながら、余分な皮脂汚れをきちんと落とす。白髪予防・地肌ケア・損傷毛補修。ハリ・コシ・ツヤのある弾んだ髪へ。

(Anti-aging-care shampoo with natural ingredients "Fulvic acid" and "Hematin". A creamy, rich and long lasting lather provides maximum cleansing and care effects to hair and scalp. For the graying process of hair prevention, scalp care and deep damage repair. Provides body and bounce with silky, brilliant shine. )

QUO hair masque  250g     380AED→190AED



天然成分「フルボ酸」と「ヘマチン」を配合したエイジングケア・トリートメント。 ダメージ補修効果に加え、しっとりとした柔軟仕上げで自然なツヤ感のある若々しい髪へ。

(Anti-aging-care treatment with natural ingredients "Fulvic acid" and "Hematin". Damage repair and moisturing with airiness and a silky touch to make hair healthy and beautiful. )


QUO nectar  80ml    310AED→155AED



「オリーブスクワラン」や「シアバター」など6種類の植物性オイルをブレンドした洗い流さないトリートメントオイル。 シリコンフリーで髪に浸透しやすく、ベタつきのないさらっとした仕上がりへ。

( Leave-in treatment oil with 6 natural botanical oils like "Olive squalane" and "Shea butter". A silicon-free formula of this oil moistens and smoothens the hair with a silky touch. )


QUO synchro 150ml  250AED→125AED


「フルボ酸xヘマチン」配合、ミストタイプの洗い流さない液晶マルチトリートメント 。液晶構造によりハリ・コシ・ツヤを長時間キープ。ダメージを受けた髪を補修し、しっとり滑らかな髪へ。

(Silicon-free leave-in multi treatment mist with "Fulvic acid" and "Hematin". With liquid crystal structure, it provides body, bounce and brilliant shine, and repairs damaged parts to make the hair soft and smooth. )

<アイックシリーズ(IcQ Series)>

IcQ Wash 400ml 340AED→170AED




(Special designed shampoo with "Amino acid" and "Fulvic acid" to repair twist form of hair and to reduce frizz and tangle. Hair becomes smooth and manageable with body. For all who concern naturally curly and frizzy hair. )

IcQ Paque 250g 340AED



(Special designed treatment with "Amino acid" and "Fulvic acid" to repair twist form of hair and to reduce frizz and tangle. Frizzy, tangled and dried hair gets improved to become smooth and manageable in a rainy day. )

SIGMA 150ml  180AED→90AED 




(Nano sized liquid crystal structure penetrate into damaged parts of the hair to repair and provide superior shine effect for few weeks. Easy to apply with the products during use, hair becomes silky, brilliant shiny with body and bounce. )

KiQu 200ml  250AED→125AED




(Leave-in multi treatment foam with CMC penetrates into the hair, restores moisture and repairs damaged cuticles leaving the hair ends smooth and sleek. )

ムコタ - Mucota



MUCOTA AIRE 09  100ml  215AED




(Leave-in treatment with CMC based provides smooth touch and texture with moists to make the wave natural, and prevents the hair from damage like heat of a dryer and UV rays. )

MUCOTA AIRE 10 100ml  215AED




(Leave-in treatment with CMC based provides ruly touch and texture with a moist shine. With high in 18MEA it prevents the hair from damage and dry like heat of a dryer and UV rays. )



サニープレイス - Sunny Place

nano suppli Cleansing Shampoo1000ml  200AED→100AED



髪と手にやさしいイオンの力でしつこい汚れを浮かしてしっかり落とす、新発想のシャンプー 。グリーンアップルの香り。

(Innovative shampoo with ion works gently on hair and hands to provide maximum cleansing and refreshed effects. Scent of green apple. )


nano suppli Essence Conde 1000ml 200AED→100AED




(The effects of damage repair and strengthening provide bounce, shine and moisture to make easy styling. Mild treatment to the skin . Scent of green apple. )


   All are product of Japan.